Month: May 2013


not broken

As someone who has logged a lot of time in the coastal waters of Florida, I’ve always enjoyed seeing bottlenose dolphins up close in the wild. That’s one reason I was particularly drawn to the movie Dolphin Tale.

Abba Father

By Trevor Shockey, 20, Indiana USA Abba Father! Come rest Your feet on the earth Come find Your home in our hearts Reside in us Abide in us We will abide in You Abba Father Creator God Your love is deeper than the sea You sent Your only Son for me Abba Father I love [...]

A Sure Salvation

A story is told that Queen Victoria of the UK was deeply moved during a church service. Afterward, she asked her chaplain, “Can one be absolutely sure in this life of eternal safety?” He did not have an answer. But an evangelist named John Townsend heard about the Queen’s question, and after much prayer he sent her a note: “With trembling hands, but heartfelt love, and because I know that we can be absolutely sure now of our eternal life in the Home that Jesus went to prepare, may I ask your Most Gracious Majesty to read the following passages of Scripture: John 3:16; Romans 10:9-10?”

youth ministry 101

If you read some recent books on youth ministry, it’s hard not to get the sense that this part of church ministry is experiencing some major struggles. And nearly everyone has an opinion about how youth ministry should be improved. Parents, youth workers, and young people themselves have expectations and demands that don’t always overlap. So, what should we do?

Abba Father

By Trevor Shockey, 20, Indiana USA Abba Father! Come rest Your feet on the earth Come find Your home in our hearts Reside in us Abide in us We will abide in You Abba Father Creator God Your love is deeper than the sea You sent Your only Son for me Abba Father I love [...]

Is God’s Law a standard that can’t be met, or a goal worth striving toward?

When it comes to understanding the role the Ten Commandments play in our lives, there are two distinct perspectives. Fresh perspective for your day.

To Be Continued

The fifth book of the New Testament, the Acts of the Apostles, records the beginnings of the Christian church under the leadership of the people Jesus had appointed. Some scholars have suggested that this book could also be called the Acts of the Holy Spirit, because the Spirit’s power supplied courage for the apostles in the face of every hardship.

the harvest

Christians observe Pentecost Sunday as the day the Holy Spirit was given to the church. Some celebrate it as the church’s birthday. Contrary to popular belief, the Day of Pentecost didn’t begin with the church. Pentecost is a very important ancient Jewish festival—the fourth of seven major Levitical feasts to be observed by every Jew at the temple in Jerusalem (Leviticus 23:16-17; Exodus 23:14-17).

True Hospitality

In 1987, our family moved to California to take up the pastorate of a church in the Long Beach area. The day we flew into town, my secretary picked us up at the airport to take us to our house. As we pulled into traffic, the very first thing I saw was a bumper sticker that read: “Welcome To California . . . Now Go Home!” It was not exactly a warm and cheery welcome to sunny southern California!

that name

Back in 2001, Mark Cuban, owner of the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Dallas Mavericks, offered WGN Chicago Radio sports-talk host David Kaplan $50,000 to change his name legally to “Dallas Maverick.” When Kaplan politely declined, Cuban sweetened the offer. Cuban would pay Kaplan $100,000 and donate $100,000 to Kaplan’s favorite charity if he took the name for one year. After some soul searching, Kaplan held firm and told Cuban, “No.” Kaplan explained: “I’d be saying I’d do anything for money, and that bothers me. My name is my birthright.”

God’s Strong Arm

My friend Joann had a strong desire to become a concert pianist and to travel and perform as either a soloist or as a piano accompanist. While majoring in piano performance in college, she developed tendinitis in her right arm, and it became too weak to perform the solo recital that was required.

A Nepali Lady and My Grandmother

By Eugene Seah, 23, Singapore As we sat around the fire keeping ourselves warm on a wintry Nepali dawn, my Nepalese friends shared the gospel with the lady who was toasting our breakfast. She replied, “If by believing in your God I can don’t work, then I’ll believe!” How would you respond to that? Personally, [...]


Amenities. Surprisingly, I heard someone use that word in describing a church they had chosen to attend. I understood that the individual was referring to the different ministries the church had to offer, but I was also reminded of the big difference between a fishing boat and a cruise liner.

A Nepali Lady and My Grandmother

By Eugene Seah, 23, Singapore As we sat around the fire keeping ourselves warm on a wintry Nepali dawn, my Nepalese friends shared the gospel with the lady who was toasting our breakfast. She replied, “If by believing in your God I can don’t work, then I’ll believe!” How would you respond to that? Personally, [...]

Old Testament Law in the life of New Testament Christians

As followers of Christ, we’re not under the law, but under grace. So do the commandments in the Old Testament have any relevance for us today?

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